Friday, June 11, 2010

Yellow Fever...

After years of using yellow on my walls and in my decor, I started to feel a bit, well, blue. Yellow had lost its cheery appeal to me and instead made me feel like yawning, in much the same way that staring at the sun provokes the physical need in me to yawn. As a result, I headed over to bluer pastures and kissed most things yellow goodbye.

(image source: Katrin

Well, it seems that yellow is experiencing a new day with me. I find myself slowly drawn back to it and even picked up a new yellow and white duvet cover for my bed. You see, there are changes going on in mi casa. I am experiencing a restlessness that comes from actually living in a house for more than two years and my style is going through a bit of a revolution.

(image source: unknown)

My house will be photographed this summer for HOLIDAY with Matthew Mead and I plan to unveil my new look in the pages of the magazine. There won't be any major changes and there will still be LOTS of blue, but I think I may surprise you with some of the tweaks I am planning. Of course, any and all changes will be budget friendly (that hasn't changed) and you might even see a bit more colour in these parts.

A bit of YELLOW perhaps?
But in a whole new light...

Besides, I am turning forty this year and it just seems a whole lot easier to change my house than myself!


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